Choosing the Best Size Rug for Your Space

February 8, 2024


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We. Love. Rugs. Yes, we know looking at the prices of rugs can be daunting. But trust us when we say, a large, quality rug will almost always be the the solution to a plain room or space in your house. However, choosing what size or shape can be challenging because it’s not like you can just buy a bunch and test them out. Well, you could, but we wouldn’t recommend for the sake of your sanity moving furniture back and forth. Worry not, we’ve laid out the best sizes for common spaces below!


In a bedroom, you’ll want to provide your feet a soft landing when you get in and out of bed. To do this, choose a rug that allows at least two feet on either side of your bed. You can either choose a smaller rug and place it under the bottom two-thirds of the bed or a larger size that is under your whole bed and nightstands. Another option is choosing two runners on either side of the bed.

Living Room

For living rooms or places with sofas and chairs, you will at least want the front two legs of each furniture piece to be on the rug. If you opt for a larger size rug to fill up the space more, leave at least a foot of space around the rug from any wall. This way, the rug won’t feel overpowering in the room.

Dining Room

In a dining room, a rug should be at least two feet longer than your table on all sides – no matter the shape of your table. This is because if you pull out your chairs around the table, you still want the legs to be on the rug. If your table expands, you’ll want to make sure the rug is still big enough when the table is extended as well.

Overall, the bigger the better ;). But seriously, if you’re between two sizes, chances are the larger one will look better since it will fill up the space better – especially in a living room. You don’t want the rug touching the walls but do want it to go under the main furniture pieces, if not all of them.

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