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How to Prepare Your Home for Winter Weather

As winter approaches, it’s essential to make sure your home is ready to face the colder temperatures and weather conditions. A little preparation can save you time, money, and headaches down the road. Here’s a simple guide to help you winterize your home effectively. Clean Out Your Gutters One of the most important tasks to […]

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Behind the Scenes

How to Combat Cabin Fever

Cabin fever is something that’s all too familiar to us midwesterners, with our long winters and dark, short days. But this year, with COVID-19 and stay-at-home orders in place, and kids doing distance learning (often without the outlet of sports and extracurricular activities), we’re feeling it extra hard! We’re here to share a few ways […]

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Design Tips

How to Decorate Your Home for Winter

Seasonal decor can be so tricky. You don’t want to overwhelm your space, or spend all your money on decor pieces you only use for a couple months (or less!) of the year, but you still want your home to be seasonally appropriate and festive! We’re rounding up some of our favorite ways to decorate […]

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Everything You Need to Know About Hygge Living

You may have seen the term hygge as you’ve scrolled past posts on Instagram or articles online – but what does this Danish word actually mean? We’re here to tell you all about hygge, and how to achieve it for yourself this winter!

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Winter Home Lighting Tips

It feels like as soon as October hits, the days get short so fast. Before you know it, it’s Daylight Savings time, and then we get pretty used to it being dark most of the time we’re at home – nothing worse than leaving the house and coming back home both in darkness, right?! Luckily, […]

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